
Tasnim Idriss

Tasnim Idriss is 28 years old and is based in Tunis, Tunisia. She graduated from the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Tunis in Anglo-American literature, civilisation and linguistics and earned a teacher training and research certificate from the same university. She also holds an MA in cross-cultural studies from the University of Carthage.

Tasnim currently works as a freelance translator and an English teacher at the University of Tunis El Manar. She is also the Associate Director of the Islam & Liberty Network, a Malaysia-based academic think tank focused on economic freedom, religious freedom and political freedom in Muslim-majority countries and beyond. She represented the think tank in the Atlas Network Asia Liberty Forum in the Philippines and won the Asia Liberty Award in 2020. She was also a speaker at the Atlas Network Liberty Forum in New York in 2022, where she spoke about the Islam & Liberty Network Street Vendors project in Tunisia. She studied the condition of the street vendors after 10 years of the Tunisian Revolution sparked by this marginalised group.

As the then Liaison Academic Officer of the Munathara Initiative, Tasnim helped organise the first Tunisian legislative and presidential debates in 2019. She also served in polling stations in previous legislative, municipal and presidential Tunisian elections. Tasnim represented post-Revolution Tunisia through organising and participating in several peace and leadership programmes across the world, mainly with the Initiatives of Change Foundation. She was an intern in the Caux Peace and Leadership Programme in Switzerland, and a scholar in the Caux Scholars programme in India, specifically on conflict resolution and peacebuilding. She represented Tunisia in the OIC Youth Forum in 2021 in Istanbul, the KAICIID G20 Interfaith Fellows and in MasterPeace Tunisia. She is also an alumna of the Training for International Diplomats, having participated in seminars in Berlin in 2020 and 2022.



Human Rights and Migration






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