
Iryna Zefran (born: Gumenchuk)

Iryna Zefran was born in Ukraine and studied Germanic philology and pedagogics at Kyiv National Linguistic University. After having finished her European Voluntary Service in 2015 at the Agapedia Foundation, she started her second MA in non-profit management and governance at Heidelberg University and became a scholarship holder of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. She completed internships at the German Parliament (International Parliament Scholarship – IPS) and at the International Office of the Baden-Württemberg State Ministry.

Since 2014, Iryna has been involved in the EU Strategy for the Danube Region promoting youth participation and youth empowerment. She worked as a project coordinator at the Agapedia Foundation, leading and developing a Danube Youth Network and was a director of the community centre in the city of Ostfildern. Together with Ukrainian friends, she co-founded an ABLE association in Germany supporting, informing and empowering Ukrainian women and young people who emigrated to Germany because of the Russian war against Ukraine. Iryna is currently working as a digital transformation consultant at Capgemini Invent Germany and continues building up the network of Ukrainians in the Danube Region within the Social NGO Network.



Global Governance, Gender Equality






More about Iryna Zefran (born: Gumenchuk)
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