
Diego Osorio

Harvard Weatherhead Foreign Policy Fellow, Thematic Expert, Academic Researcher. Canadian public servant. Previously Senior Advisor in Climate Security working on NATO Centre of Excellence on Climate Security (Global Affairs Canada) and Senior Advisor Climate Security CGIAR Climate Security. PhD Candidate (Utrecht U.) Adjunct Professor. 25 years of public administration and international experience covering the UN, NATO, World Bank, Canadian diplomacy, and private sector ventures. Diego has worked globally on diplomatic, political, and economic matters, climate change-conflict/adaptation policy, as well as institutional/social reconstruction, civil-military coordination, and humanitarian issues. He has deployed to Afghanistan, Colombia, Venezuela, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Indonesia (Banda Aceh), Iraq, the Central African Republic, Jordan, Kosovo, Liberia, Pakistan, and Timor-Leste, to name some of his multiple field missions. He previously served as Senior Peacekeeping Officer (2006) and as Senior Advisor on Mediation, Negotiation, and Peace Processes (2019) at Global Affairs Canada. He is also an Associate Fellow at the Raoul-Dandurand Chair in Strategic and Diplomatic Studies at the Université de Quebec a Montreal (UQAM), the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies, and the Făgăraș Research Institute, Romania. Diego has lectured in humanitarian action, governance design, the humanitarian-development nexus, reconciliation/mediation, conflict and climate change, post-conflict recovery, political economy, complexity/economic geography, and urban conflict at universities in Canada and abroad. He also works on co-creation and human design methodologies. Adjunct Professor (Canada) Master of Public Policy, Adler University, Bishop’s University, Ecole National d’Administration Publique (Quebec), and (France) Ecole 3A, Lyon. Collaborator, Network for Strategic Analysis (NSA), Canada


2019-Present PhD Candidate, University of Utrecht (Complexity and Institutional Design applied to climate security) 2009 MC/MPA (Master Public Administration) Harvard KSG; 2001 Master’s in International Trade Law and Economics (MILE), U.Bern /Fribourg/Neuchâtel (World Trade Institute); 1996, McGill University, BA, Political Science/History.


2022, 2020-2021, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015

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Sustainability and Climate Protection, Conflict Resolution and Mediation, Energy and Natural Resources




North America


North America

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Elected Advisory Council
Every year, two GDL members of the Advisory Council are elected online by members. All four elected members of the Advisory Council work on a pro bono basis.

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