

The Great Threat to Women’s Rights Online: Reflections From World Press Freedom Day




Sustainability and Climate Protection, Gender Equality, Human Rights and Migration

During the Global Conference marking the World Press Freedom Day 2019 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, GDL Members and other experts discussed the high number of incidences of online violence against women. Studies estimate that around 23 % of women have experienced online abuse on at least one occasion.

GDL members Elizabeth Maloba and Patrick Mpedzisi gave an interactive workshop on the safety of women journalists online with the aim to identify potential solutions to fight online harassment.

Read reflections on the conference and proposals for reducing cases of online harassment of women by Ingrid Brudvig, Gender Policy Manager at Web Foundation, here.


About the authors:

Elizabeth Maloba has twenty years’ experience in addressing complex challenges. She works in cross-sectoral, trans-professional, multi-stakeholder settings, providing support in problem solving and decision making processes and facilitating learning and the exchange of ideas and information.

Patrick Mpedzisi is an organisational development consultant with over 15 years’ experience in the NGO sector in Africa.

Published on July 3, 2019.

Photo credit: Ingrid Brudvig

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