
Yandeh Sallah-Muhammed

Yandeh Sallah-Muhammed is a professional in the environmental conservation field with a long-term focus in marine conservation and a specific passion for shark conservation. Yandeh uses their passion for the ocean and nature to spread knowledge and awareness in the Gambia.

They also focus on nature-based solutions for community sustainable solutions through the project of the Gambian Marine and Environmental Conservation Initiative that utilises sustainable recreation, permaculture and free education to be able to share knowledge on these themes, as well as physically immerse within these landscapes to fully grasp the effects of climate change and environmental degradation due to the exploitation of natural resources.

In addition to working as the Director of the Gambian Marine and Environmental Conservation Initiative, Yandeh works as an Environmental Officer for the Fandema Women Development Center that offers free training for women in rural areas to become solar installers.

Yandeh Sallah-Muhammed is also a Regional Coordinator for Bosch Alumni Network funded by iac Berlin.

To join forces and collaborate with fellow African changemakers, Yandeh Sallah-Muhammed is a member of the Resilient 40 network, bridging the gap between African environmental change-makers.


Special function

GDL Communicators


Global Governance, Sustainability and Climate Protection







Further Engagements

Yandeh previously served as a member of the social media team for the GDL.

More about Yandeh Sallah-Muhammed
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