
Marian Cramers

Marian Cramers is the Director of Development at The Democratic Society (Demsoc), a European NGO that works for more and better democracy through citizen participation in change management projects. Current projects include the Climate KIC Deep Demonstrations, urban regeneration in Sicily, and Populism and Civic Engagement (PaCE). Demsoc has also developed a focus on digital democratic spaces, through thought leadership, training and facilitation. Marian is based in Brussels, and supports the Demsoc presences in Milan, Edinburgh, Manchester and Berlin.

Marian Cramers is an MA graduate in Political Science, and in Business Economics. She has worked at London-based technology companies for seven years, specialising in consulting and partnerships around social media insights and digital transformation. This has included work with the NHS, UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, NATO and a range of corporate clients, as well as an EMEA and APAC network of partners.

She is also an active member of the BMW Foundation Responsible Leaders Network, a former board member of the Lewisham Refugee and Migrant network, and the producer of ‘The Hidden’, a documentary on hidden homelessness in Germany and the UK.


Special function

Strategic Visionaries


Civil Society, Conflict Resolution and Mediation







Further Engagements

Marian was active in the Financial Sustainability Task Team of the GDL.

More about Marian Cramers
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