

Security Mission: Global Vision


Video, Event


Diplomacy and Foreign Relations

Security Mission: Global Vision

Security should no longer be thought as military, weapons, terrorism or closed borders. Nowadays, we have security threats that are beyond human reach. These threats no longer have a single solution nor a single country can fully address them.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, it was unimaginable  that nations would have to act in close collaboration and with a common goal to provide food security, access to water, a clean environment and a health system to close the breach of inequality.

In a fishbowl setting GDL members and experts aimed at understanding these new global security threats that require other ways of cooperation.

(Re-)watch the public portion of the fishbowl

Conceptualised and organised by Edna Martinez, moderated by Carolina Sheinfeld and Vivian Valencia the panel included:

Dr Ines Kappert

Since 2015 Dr. Ines Kappert heads the Gunda Werner Institute for Feminism, a civil society network lobbying for gender-equitable foreign policy. She focues on feminism for the immigration society and is part of the 1325 network.

Ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger

Ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger is Chairman of the Munich Security Conference since 2008. Wolfgang Ischinger looks back at a long diplomatic career including his role as State Secretary in the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs and posts as German ambassador in Washington D.C. and London.

Justin Vaïsse

Justin Vaïsse is the founder and Director General of the Paris Peace Forum an independent NGO he founded in 2018 under the impetus of French President Emmanuel Macron. The Paris Peace Forum is an annual event that aims at promoting new rules and solutions to address the global challenges of our time.

Setting the scene for this high-calibre panel were two GDL Talks by Gabriela Canales and Shakeel Ahmad.

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